Firm Profile
DE IRUARRIZAGA, ARNAIZ Y COMPAÑÍALaw Firm was established in 1997, bringing together experienced attorneys who provide our clients with high quality legal counsel and support in all legal areas. In this endeavor, our law firm has built stable, solid and lasting bonds with each client.
Our Law Firm is well known for the quality of its service in diverse law areas, including corporations, mergers and acquisitions, foreign investment, civil and commercial law, real estate law, competitive bids, foreign trade, antitrust law, banking and finance, tax and customs law bankruptcy, lawsuits, arbitration and alternative dispute settlement methods, administrative law, social security and labor law.
Our effort is aimed at researching and providing practical creative, agile and efficient legal solutions that will allow us to meet the objectives desired by our clients. Professionals in our Law Firm count with a vast experience which allows them to adequately act in a complex global market, combining their knowledge, legal and commercial skills, prompt answers, personalized attention from our partners, and reasonable and competitive fees.
We offer the specific counsel required by each client and we are prepared to offer a wide range of highly complex legal services.